A proven program to train NC’s workforce
Boost is a partnership between the state of North Carolina, the North Carolina Community College System, and participating students.
How does it work?
Designed to train the workforce that will drive North Carolina’s economic prosperity, Boost:
- Is focused on training and education North Carolinians to succeed in the careers that are essential to our state’s economic development success, as specified in Propel NC workforce development goals.
- Is targeting fields like biotechnology, healthcare, engineering and advanced manufacturing and information technology
- Quickly moves students through college into high-wage, in-demand careers
- Advances economic mobility and security for all North Carolinians.
Who is eligible?
Students must meet the following criteria:
- North Carolina resident, eligible for in-state tuition;
- Have a high school diploma or high school equivalency (not open to dual enrollment students);
- Receive the Next NC Scholarship;
- Be able to complete college-level math and English requirements within their first academic year;
- Have no more than 24 college credis when they apply to Boost;
- Be enrolled in an eligible program aligned to the state’s new funding model, Propel NC (Health Care, Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, Trades and Transportation, Information Technology, and Public Safety and First Responders) OR be enrolled in an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Engineering program aligned to higher-wage careers in their region; and
- Attempt at least 24 credits per year (summer, fall and spring)
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