September 23, 2024

The Forsyth Tech Foundation held its luncheon in support of the College Lift program on Tuesday, Sept. 10. The event drew around 200 attendees who gathered to hear presentations from College Lift students, parents, and key figures from Forsyth Tech. 

Precious Quire-McCloud, the Foundation’s board chair, welcomed guests to the event. The highlight of the afternoon was the personal stories shared by College Lift students and their parents.  Alexandra Sagastume-Alcantara and her mother, Cecilia Alcantara, offered moving testimonials about their experiences with the program, illustrating its impact on their lives. Members of the College Lift team were present to witness these heartfelt accounts. 

Doug Evans, speaking on behalf of the Foundation, emphasized the program’s importance: “College Lift is making a real difference in our community. By supporting these students, we’re opening doors to opportunities that can change the trajectory of their lives and inspire others around them.” 

A video featuring Brandon, a College Lift graduate, provided additional insight into the program’s long-term benefits; you can watch it below.

The luncheon not only raised funds but also increased awareness of the College Lift program’s positive influence on students and the broader community. Those interested in learning more about College Lift can visit For information about the Forsyth Tech Foundation and ways to contribute, please see